Boynton Beach

10150 Hagen Ranch Rd


6650 W Indiantown Rd

Nasal & Sinus Surgery

Depending on your condition, insurance, lifestyle, and symptoms, your ENT physician may recommend one or more surgical treatment options. Some of the most common procedures we perform treat conditions like:

What Nasal & Sinus Surgery Options Are Available?

Depending on your condition, insurance, lifestyle, and symptoms, your ENT physician may recommend one or more surgical treatment options. Some of the most common procedures we perform  include:

  • Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) is used to improve nasal drainage and open up the nasal passageways. To perform this outpatient procedure, your doctor uses an endoscope (a small probe with a camera on the end) to enter your sinuses and remove problematic tissues and diseased sinus mucosa. 
  • Image guided surgery is another endoscopic surgery option for severe forms of chronic sinusitis or nasal blockage that can’t be treated using normal sinus surgery methods. It relies on a three-dimensional mapping system created from CT scans for extreme precision.
  • Balloon Sinuplasty uses a small balloon catheter inserted into the sinuses then inflated to open up the nasal passageways. Once the sinuses reach the desired width, the balloon is deflated and removed, leaving more space in the passageway.
  • Caldwell Luc operation improves drainage in the maxillary sinus by creating a window from this cavity to the nose. The surgeon enters the maxillary cavity endoscopically through the upper jaw above the molars.
  • Septoplasty and septorhinoplasty procedures reshape, reduce or reposition portions of the septum’s bone or cartilage to open up the nasal passageway and improve drainage and breathing. These procedures are used to reduce blockage, fix a deviated septum, repair a broken nose and more. 
  • Turbinate surgery reduces airway obstruction and difficulties breathing caused by enlarged or swollen turbinates, which are small bones that clean and humidify air as it passes through your nose. There are several types of turbinate surgery, including the turbinectomy (full or partial tissue removal), the turbinoplasty (tissue repositioning), radiofrequency or laser ablation surgery (tissue reduction) and submucous resection surgery (partial bone or cartilage removal).

Scheduling an appointment is easy. Just click the “SCHEDULE ONLINE” button on any page of this website, or call our main number at (561) 736-8141. 

In an effort to meet the needs of the community we are closely monitoring the current situation and at this time we remain open for existing as well as new patients.

Accordingly, we are continuing to see patients with time-sensitive concerns in our office, as well as by telemedicine.
For your safety, the office is being regularly sanitized. Waiting room capacity is being kept to a minimum and we request all visitors to practice social distancing guidelines. We are also screening every patient that comes into the office to ensure the health and safety of our patients, clinicians, and our employees.

ENT Specialists

10150 Hagen Ranch Rd

Boynton Beach, FL 33437

(561) 736-8141

contact ent specialists

ENT Specialists

6650 W Indiantown Rd

Jupiter, FL 33458

(561) 736-8141




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