Boynton Beach

10150 Hagen Ranch Rd


6650 W Indiantown Rd

Snoring Treatments

Snoring is a problem that affects a large number of adults; about 45 percent of people snore at least occasionally, and one in five American adults are habitual snorers. It’s no laughing matter either: snoring can cause a rift in the strongest of relationships because it robs the spouse of rest and can lead to a variety of problems ranging from resentment to separate bedrooms. Not only that, but snoring may be hazardous to your health; it is often the sign of obstructive sleep apnea, a disorder characterized by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep. This prevents the sufferer from getting restorative sleep and causes daytime drowsiness, irritability, confusion, and loss of memory. It increases the risk of automobile accidents and can lead to serious medical complications including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

There are many treatment options for snorers, many of the natural remedies, or simple lifestyle changes. These include:

  • Changing your sleep position.

Snoring occurs when the tongue and throat tissue sag down during sleep, blocking the airway. Sleeping on your back worsens this, so try sleeping on your side instead. If you have a tendency to roll over onto your back, try taping a tennis ball to the back of your pajamas to prevent this. Using a body pillow can also help you remain on your side. Try elevating the head of the bed a few inches, or prop yourself up using pillows.

  • Losing weight.

A majority of those who snore are overweight. Excess weight around the neck can narrow your airway and make you more prone to snoring. Losing 10 percent of your overall weight can make a big difference.

  • Avoiding alcohol before bedtime.

Alcohol acts as a muscle relaxer, reducing muscle tone in the back of your throat and making snoring more likely. You should eliminate alcohol consumption four to five hours before going to sleep.

  • Quitting smoking.

Tobacco smoke irritates the membranes of the nose and throat, leading to blocked airways and an increased risk of snoring.

  • Maintaining a regular sleep routine.

Try to go to bed at the same time every night. An odd schedule can result in too little sleep, which leads to excessive tiredness. When you sleep hard, the muscles become more relaxed, leading to snoring.

  • Keeping your nasal passages open.

A stuffy nose can prevent air from moving freely, causing snoring. Try taking a hot shower before bed or rinsing your nose with a saline solution or Neti pot. Nasal strips may help keep your nasal passages open.

  • Staying hydrated.

Drink plenty of fluids to moisten your throat and palate.

  • Using a humidifier at night.

This will help prevent dry air from irritating the membranes in your nose and throat.

  • Playing the didgeridoo.

Learning to play this Australian wind instrument can strengthen the soft palate and throat, reducing the odds that you’ll snore.

Scheduling an appointment is easy. Just click the “SCHEDULE ONLINE” button on any page of this website, or call our main number at (561) 736-8141. 

In an effort to meet the needs of the community we are closely monitoring the current situation and at this time we remain open for existing as well as new patients.

Accordingly, we are continuing to see patients with time-sensitive concerns in our office, as well as by telemedicine.
For your safety, the office is being regularly sanitized. Waiting room capacity is being kept to a minimum and we request all visitors to practice social distancing guidelines. We are also screening every patient that comes into the office to ensure the health and safety of our patients, clinicians, and our employees.

ENT Specialists

10150 Hagen Ranch Rd

Boynton Beach, FL 33437

(561) 736-8141

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ENT Specialists

6650 W Indiantown Rd

Jupiter, FL 33458

(561) 736-8141




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